Making cases stand out online

During my time at OrangeTalent I had the chance to create a lot of content for their social media. Above is an Instagram carousel ad I designed to attract new development interns. 

In addition to social media outings, I worked on a number of case pages, showing off some of the beautiful work OrangeTalent has done for its numerous clients. The examples below are mockups I created to show off websites and mobile apps.

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STRYKK Facebook campaign

Whilst working for United Creations I designed this facebook campaign, consisting of two different carousels for Anker Spirits Amsterdam to promote one of their new non-alcoholic spirits for "Dry January."

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Pizza Delivery Game

The Pizza Delivery Game is a 3 level game created using the JavaScript Library. The user gets to pick their means of transportation to deliver the pizza. With each different delivery method comes a different level of difficulty. The goal is to try to avoid the obstacles on the road using either a mouse click or the x key.

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The mailbox that had enough

This project was initiated to sharpen up the skillsets in HTML and CSS. The project was intended to incorporate different types of loops and pathways as the user navigates the website. The non-linear narrative can be seen as an interactive website; a pick-your own narrative, where the user gets to choose (or has the illusion that they can change) the flow of the story.

The project is intended for a younger audience as it is an adaptation to a children’s poem. Hence the animated watercolor characters and easy to understand text. My project can be navigated by a child, but can also be used as a story book by parents, perhaps reading the story off of a tablet to their child. 

Using Format